︎ 2021
   ︎ 展覽介紹 intros

   ︎ 材料庫 library
   ︎ 補助作品 funded projects
   ︎ 樣片書區
   ︎ 訪談紀錄 interviews

   ︎ 學生工作坊 student workshop
   ︎ 維基 wiki

︎ 2020
   ︎ 活動紀錄 project archives

2021 6.1 - 6.8

After the 2020 events, we have shortly interviewed our participants, swatch contributors, to share their general feedbacks to the event, or opinions around topics such as “their online experience under pandemics”, “the common of the craftsmanship”, “the new and the old”. These videos will be put in the physical exhibition venue and be shared with the audiences. Great thanks to those participants once again.


如前一封郵件中所述,我們希望邀請您進行一次簡短的小訪談,以使觀眾能更了解這些樣片背後的想法,以及這些隱性的線上合作過程。 本次採訪將徵求您的同意以進行錄影,影片將在展覽會場中呈現。 我們相信您的工藝背後蘊藏著許多故事,每個人的分享都將增加我們在這次展覽中對一種未來工藝行動描繪的多樣性。


此訪談約30分鐘以內,訪談中會以您個人的樣片和創作為主角,建議您在開始的10分鐘內談論與您的樣片相關的計劃或其它想要補充的部份。 但再接下來的20分鐘內,我們建議您於以下5個主題中擇一項到兩項分享您的看法。由於每一題的範圍都很大,請輕鬆就您各人創作上的經歷或是在去年HFF2020線上活動的經驗為主回答即可。

1. 工藝共地社群 - 您對於以工藝為文化、技術媒介去集結不同領域社群共同合作的計劃有何經驗、看法或是期望?
2. 大流行藝術: 您在大流行(COVID pandemic)期間受邀參加的線上活動的經驗?
3. 食物級工藝: 可食的材料/生物塑膠在本次展覽中佔有滿大的部份,您對可食材料、飲食文化在材料性上或社會性上作為藝術表現方式的經驗為何?
4. 社會正義: 一些樣片包含了對原住民身份危機,性別平權的意識,請問您對利用手工藝作為行動的工具/媒介來創造文化影響有何看法/經驗?
5. 舊的和新的之間 - 您能分享一個您創作中將新舊媒材結合的有趣經驗嗎?


Dear participants of Having Friends in the Future 2020 and welcome to the 2021!

As mentioned in the previous mail, we'd like to invite you for a short interview to dig into the ideas more behind your swatch, as well as the hidden process of the collective swatch making online. This interview will be recorded and will be presented in the physical exhibition venue. We believe that there are many stories behind your crafting. Everyone’s approaches form the diversity of the futuristic craftivism we wish to introduce to the audience.

We have organized a physical exhibition to document all the online activities last year, including the online talks, workshops, zoom in presentations, swatch swaps. On top of it, we name this exhibition "Having Friends in the Future, 3rd-Nature Fiber Library". Not only the materials can be seen as the main composition of this conceptual library, as well as the people, the awareness, the spirits are all the elements we wish to capture within in.

The interview will be less than 30 minutes, the first 10 minutes we would like you to talk about some of your project/approaches related to your swatch. The other 20 minutes we suggest you to pick one to two of these 5 topics to talk about. These topics might be broad but please feel free to answer it only base on your art practice or swatch making.

1. The Common of Craft - Can you share your opinions and experiences on how crafting can benefit community forming? you may reference any community in this one.
2. The Art under Pandemic - what are your experiences for the online events you participated during the pandemic recently?
3. Food Grade Craft - food, bioplastic materials takes a big part in this event, how do you see food culture, edible material participate in art in the present day?
4. The Social Justice - some swatches contains awareness of identity crisis of minority communities, gender topics, can you talk about your opinions/experiences for exploiting craft practice as a tool or medium to create cultural impact to these topics?
5. in-Between The New and Old - what are your interests/experience for combining old techniques in the modern approach? or vise versa?

*We are not able to provide a small fee for your participance this time due to the limited budget. However we will cover all the cost to present your swatch contents in this exhibition including space design, design layout of your swatch introduction, video clips editing and the monitors etc.

quetionnaire invitation