3rd-Nature Material Library

因此「材料庫」的產出不是「靜止的」。除了邀請國內外參展藝術家加入擴充之外,我們也邀請觀眾現場透過QR code或線上在維基資料庫上和材料作者互動。基於維基公開、共同編輯的筆記系統屬性,我們將部份展覽建置在維基上,歡迎觀眾參與對維基上材料庫內容的修正和補充發表意見,共同完成這個展覽。
Our goal is not to build a "comprehensive" material library, but a material library expressing "openness", "collaborative and symbiotic", "diverse", "speculative" and "futuristic", with the essential spirit to open up the boundaries.
Therefore, the output of the "material library" is not "static". In addition to inviting participating artists from home and abroad to join its expansion, we also established a mechanism for interaction with the audience: adding a QR Code next to material library with special significance. Based on the public and co-edited note-taking system properties of the wiki, we have built part of the exhibition on the wiki. All audiences are welcome to participate in the revision and addition of the content of the material library on the wiki, and jointly complete this exhibition.
Dissimilar materials from different cultural fields, time and space, are juxtaposed in the same material library, such as e-textiles, natural fibers, social consciousness, and even abstract materials representing certain concepts. It is hoped that by defining the properties of these materials, various fields can be created. The hidden common ground connection between them creates cross-domain knowledge transmission and inspiration. Through the juxtaposition of materials from different eras to exchange perspectives on usage, explore the potential of the 3rd-natural craft within the time interval.
因此「材料庫」的產出不是「靜止的」。除了邀請國內外參展藝術家加入擴充之外,我們也邀請觀眾現場透過QR code或線上在維基資料庫上和材料作者互動。基於維基公開、共同編輯的筆記系統屬性,我們將部份展覽建置在維基上,歡迎觀眾參與對維基上材料庫內容的修正和補充發表意見,共同完成這個展覽。
Our goal is not to build a "comprehensive" material library, but a material library expressing "openness", "collaborative and symbiotic", "diverse", "speculative" and "futuristic", with the essential spirit to open up the boundaries.
Therefore, the output of the "material library" is not "static". In addition to inviting participating artists from home and abroad to join its expansion, we also established a mechanism for interaction with the audience: adding a QR Code next to material library with special significance. Based on the public and co-edited note-taking system properties of the wiki, we have built part of the exhibition on the wiki. All audiences are welcome to participate in the revision and addition of the content of the material library on the wiki, and jointly complete this exhibition.
Dissimilar materials from different cultural fields, time and space, are juxtaposed in the same material library, such as e-textiles, natural fibers, social consciousness, and even abstract materials representing certain concepts. It is hoped that by defining the properties of these materials, various fields can be created. The hidden common ground connection between them creates cross-domain knowledge transmission and inspiration. Through the juxtaposition of materials from different eras to exchange perspectives on usage, explore the potential of the 3rd-natural craft within the time interval.
How do I participate in this collective library?
- 先在維基登錄一個帳號
- 在你有興趣的材料頁面下留言,向材料作者詢問你有想知道的問題。
- 在各材料頁面下分享一些也許是你知道的而材料主人不知道的知識!
- 如果你/妳也想成為材料作者,歡迎你將你所知道的關於傳統工藝或是即將失落的技術告訴主辦單位,也可以寫信讓主辦單位協助您創立材料頁面,一起和展覽觀眾分享你的材料。
- Log in to an account on the wiki first
- Leave a message on the page of the material you are interested in, and ask the author of the material if you have any questions you want to know.
- Under each material page, share some knowledge that you may know but the material owner does not know!
- If you/you also want to be a material author, you are welcome to tell the organizer what you know about traditional crafts or technologies that are about to be lost. You can also write to the organizer to help you create a material page and share your ideas with the exhibition audience. material.
Material properties and quantities
Use the material library as an imagination to start a discussion. What is the purpose of innovating such material library? What kind of materials should be collected within? The materials in the exhibition come from textile art related artists from different fields around the world. In the online village activity last year, a number of artists were called on the topic of traditional and contemporary collaboration to ship textile swatch oversea as a form of exchange. This year we extended this form of exchange with a material library installation, we look forward to the continuation of these cross-domain fiber knowledge exchanges.
The creation and definition of the material properties in the material library provides the commonality between different materials, so that the stories of different regions behind the fiber materials can be exchanged across the span, as well as the cross-domain knowledge transmission channel. In this exhibition. This material library installation is not only materialistic, but also a social one; in addition to exploring the possibility of creating new materials by mutual inspiration between tradition and contemporary, it is more about to reveal the dialogues between different agendas of the materials placed here.
Use the material library as an imagination to start a discussion. What is the purpose of innovating such material library? What kind of materials should be collected within? The materials in the exhibition come from textile art related artists from different fields around the world. In the online village activity last year, a number of artists were called on the topic of traditional and contemporary collaboration to ship textile swatch oversea as a form of exchange. This year we extended this form of exchange with a material library installation, we look forward to the continuation of these cross-domain fiber knowledge exchanges.
The creation and definition of the material properties in the material library provides the commonality between different materials, so that the stories of different regions behind the fiber materials can be exchanged across the span, as well as the cross-domain knowledge transmission channel. In this exhibition. This material library installation is not only materialistic, but also a social one; in addition to exploring the possibility of creating new materials by mutual inspiration between tradition and contemporary, it is more about to reveal the dialogues between different agendas of the materials placed here.
![植物纖維 plant fibers]()
Plants fibers
![動物纖維 animal fiber]()
Animal fibers
![金屬纖維 metallic fiber]()
Metallic fibers
![電子機能 electronics]()
![發酵過程 fermentation]()
Fermantation process
![天然染色 natural dyeing]()
Natural dyeing
![人與族群 clan or community]()
Tribe or community
![稀有或瀕危材料與技術 endangered or disappearing materials or technology]()
Endangered or disappearing materials ortechnology
![生物塑膠 bioplastic]()
![回收材料、餘料、食廢 recycling concept]()
Recycling concept
![光反應相關 light reaction]()
Light reaction
![細菌微生物 bacteria, macrobiotic]()
Bacteria, macrobiotic
![人造纖維 artificial fibers]()
Artificial fibers
除了傳統的尼龍、壓克力等合成纖維,也包含DIY人造纖維的方式。![工具類 tools]()
Traditional fier extraction
Conceptual materialsㄧ
Library index
31 字典折書 32 尺寸標籤絲緞織帶 33 台灣藍染布輪+雲南亮布 34 筒紗八款 35 裂織布條 36 天然染料:薯榔生汁乾燥、藍靛粉 37 型染柿紙貼絹襯 38 棕櫚籜 39 未撚手工苧麻線 40 構樹皮三款:原色、藍染 |
61 工業毛氈鞋墊 62 牛皮鞋底 63 竹葉 64 檜木絲(柴絲草) 65 絲瓜絡 66 馬尼拉麻 67 月桃編物 68 通草紙 69 鳳梨纖維 70 藺草編物 |
71 鳥巢 72 再生紙蛋盒+墨染 73 觸控矩陣 74 構樹紙揚聲器 75 電子刺繡、棉十字繡布策展文字 76 感光油墨策展文字 77 腳踏感壓策展文字 78 染敏電池策展文字 79 海藻膠種子策展文字 80 苜宿芽纖維策展文字 |
81 LED+導電縫線策展文字 82 衛星針織 83 導電羽毛 84 令人不安的解決方案 85 藍染紅茶菌膜 86 蟲化世代 Wormolution 87 未來菌群 Future Flora 88 石油祖先 89 冷光編織 90 流沙箋 |
91 個人腦波EEG 92 舔食器貼紙 93 紅茶菌膜上生漆塗裝+藍染手紡絲餘料 94 PLA材料,木珠,羊毛紗線,蠶絲布 |
96 化學纖維、棉、亞麻流蘇螢幕策展文字
english index
english index
0 Straw rope
1 Four ship-shaped weaving shuttles![]()
2 Winding wooden frame and string ball
3 Paper hat
4 Persimmon dyed wine bag
5 Nylon strap![]()
6 Filter cloth used in Indigo dying
7 Ramie cloth naturally dyed in gradient blue
8 Three embroidery patches
9 Hand-woven Potato palm dyed cloth with silk thread
10 Hand-woven textile made out of Ramie warp
11 Hand-woven twofold fabric (paper thread + silk trimmings + copper thread)
12 Hand-woven(Kudzu fiber+horse hair+Stainless steel wire+Ramie)
13 Hand-woven(Hand spun cotton thread)
14 Protective net+synthetic fiber![]()
15 Hand-woven 2 styles of Iron piece+Telephone line looping
16 Industrial cloth![]()
17 Brass net![]()
18 Hemp rope![]()
19 Roll of jute thread+scissors
20 indigo dyed cotton thread webbing
21 Pulley+Thick jute rope
22 Indigo dyed Kudzu fiber fabric
23 Enameled copper wire double weave+Readymade![]()
24 Chemical fiber industrial gauze![]()
25 Handmade quilt with a gourd symbol in red line
26 Strangled cotton fabric
27 Single-strand cotton thread + bar needle
28 Book: Mushroom at the End of the World![]()
29 Stainless steel pot brush![]()
30 Cotton bag for salt![]()
1 Four ship-shaped weaving shuttles
2 Winding wooden frame and string ball
3 Paper hat
4 Persimmon dyed wine bag
5 Nylon strap
6 Filter cloth used in Indigo dying
7 Ramie cloth naturally dyed in gradient blue
9 Hand-woven Potato palm dyed cloth with silk thread
10 Hand-woven textile made out of Ramie warp
11 Hand-woven twofold fabric (paper thread + silk trimmings + copper thread)
12 Hand-woven(Kudzu fiber+horse hair+Stainless steel wire+Ramie)
13 Hand-woven(Hand spun cotton thread)
14 Protective net+synthetic fiber
15 Hand-woven 2 styles of Iron piece+Telephone line looping
16 Industrial cloth
17 Brass net
18 Hemp rope
19 Roll of jute thread+scissors
20 indigo dyed cotton thread webbing
21 Pulley+Thick jute rope
22 Indigo dyed Kudzu fiber fabric
23 Enameled copper wire double weave+Readymade
24 Chemical fiber industrial gauze
25 Handmade quilt with a gourd symbol in red line
26 Strangled cotton fabric
27 Single-strand cotton thread + bar needle
28 Book: Mushroom at the End of the World
29 Stainless steel pot brush
30 Cotton bag for salt
31 Folded dictionary ![]()
32 Silk satin webbing with size label
33 Taiwan indigo dye cloth wheel+Taiwan Yunnan Bright Cloth(Egg white+ox blood)
34 Eight styles of cone
35 Woven strips of torn fabric
36 Natural dyes: dried potato juice, indigo powder
37 Dyed persimmon paper with silk lining
38 Palm sheath![]()
39 Handmade Ramie thread
40 Three styles of paper mulberry: original color, blue dye
41 Paper mulberry skin+Iron net, paper mulberry skin+Chemical fiber mesh, Breadfruit bark
42 Six styles of paper mulberry
43 Fishing rod
44 All kinds of silk thread+Natural dyeing
45 Bamboo reed
46 Ramie thread roll six styles
47 Silk bag cotton + indigo dye
48 Low twist silk+Ramie computer dobby hand-woven fabric
49 Silk scraps
50 Two types of horse hair![]()
51 Black and white original colors of mixed felt handmade wool![]()
52 Wool felt blanket![]()
53 Wax paper ball toy![]()
54 Calfskin![]()
55 Calligraphy on cotton fabric
56 Traditional Weaving of Atayal Nationality by Yuma Taru
57 Feather+Bristle brush![]()
58 Fishing Net + Bamboo Fishing Net Needle
59 Colorful fishing net![]()
60 Salmon skin
32 Silk satin webbing with size label
33 Taiwan indigo dye cloth wheel+Taiwan Yunnan Bright Cloth(Egg white+ox blood)
34 Eight styles of cone
35 Woven strips of torn fabric
36 Natural dyes: dried potato juice, indigo powder
37 Dyed persimmon paper with silk lining
38 Palm sheath
39 Handmade Ramie thread
40 Three styles of paper mulberry: original color, blue dye
41 Paper mulberry skin+Iron net, paper mulberry skin+Chemical fiber mesh, Breadfruit bark
42 Six styles of paper mulberry
43 Fishing rod
44 All kinds of silk thread+Natural dyeing
45 Bamboo reed
46 Ramie thread roll six styles
47 Silk bag cotton + indigo dye
48 Low twist silk+Ramie computer dobby hand-woven fabric
49 Silk scraps
50 Two types of horse hair
51 Black and white original colors of mixed felt handmade wool
52 Wool felt blanket
53 Wax paper ball toy
54 Calfskin
55 Calligraphy on cotton fabric
56 Traditional Weaving of Atayal Nationality by Yuma Taru
57 Feather+Bristle brush
58 Fishing Net + Bamboo Fishing Net Needle
59 Colorful fishing net
60 Salmon skin
61 Industrial felt insoles ![]()
62 Cowhide sole![]()
63 Bamboo leaves![]()
64 Cypress(Firewood)
65 Loofah![]()
66 Manila Hemp
67 Shell ginger weaving
68 Pith paper
69 Pineapple Fiber
70 Soft rush weaving piece
71 Bird's nest
72 Recycled paper egg box+Ink
73 Touch matrix
74 Paper mulberry speaker
75 Electronic embroidery Cotton cross stitch cloth
76 Photosensitive ink![]()
77 Pressure-sensitive
78 DSSC battery dyed with natural dyes
79 Sodium alginate plastic with seeds
80 Alfalfa fiber cloth
81 LED+Conductive stitches
82 Satellite knitting
83 Conductive Feathers
84 An Offering to Unsettle Settlement
85 Indigo Kombucha membrane
86 Hackteria's Wormolution
87 Future Flora
88 Oil Ancestors![]()
89 EL wire weaving
90 Suminagashi![]()
62 Cowhide sole
63 Bamboo leaves
64 Cypress(Firewood)
65 Loofah
66 Manila Hemp
67 Shell ginger weaving
68 Pith paper
69 Pineapple Fiber
70 Soft rush weaving piece
71 Bird's nest
72 Recycled paper egg box+Ink
73 Touch matrix
74 Paper mulberry speaker
75 Electronic embroidery Cotton cross stitch cloth
76 Photosensitive ink
77 Pressure-sensitive
78 DSSC battery dyed with natural dyes
79 Sodium alginate plastic with seeds
80 Alfalfa fiber cloth
81 LED+Conductive stitches
82 Satellite knitting
83 Conductive Feathers
84 An Offering to Unsettle Settlement
85 Indigo Kombucha membrane
86 Hackteria's Wormolution
87 Future Flora
88 Oil Ancestors
89 EL wire weaving
90 Suminagashi
91 Ed Cunneen's persoal EEG datas
92 Lick‘O’meter sticker
93 Raw lacquer coating on kombucha membrane+indigo dyed hand-spinning remnants
94 PLA material,Wooden beads,Wool yarn,Silk cloth
95 screen printed on cotten - curating texts
96 synthetic fibre, cotton, linen with projected curating texts
92 Lick‘O’meter sticker
93 Raw lacquer coating on kombucha membrane+indigo dyed hand-spinning remnants
94 PLA material,Wooden beads,Wool yarn,Silk cloth
95 screen printed on cotten - curating texts
96 synthetic fibre, cotton, linen with projected curating texts