
e-Textile Summer Camp是Hannah Perner-Wilson和Mica Satomi 組織的電子織品藝術家社群,該社群活躍於2011-2017,激勵了無數自世界各地來到位於巴黎南部Moulins de Paillard 藝術中心、擁有對結合織品生物科技、穿戴科技、和柔性電路具有熱情的藝術工作者。社群成員每年透過交換樣片、工作坊、技能分享,也逐漸發展出如家庭般的情誼。




Swatch exchange

An e-textile artist community organized by Hannah Perner-Wilson and Mica Satomi. The community was active in 2011-2017 and inspired countless artists to come to the Les Moulins de Paillard in southern Paris every year, who are passionate for biotechnology, wearable technology and flexible circuits.

We hope that this swatch book tradition will continue to inspire those who are passionate about looking for new in the old or vise versa. 2020 is a special year, very grateful to all the participants still willing to make great contribution under this very situation.

After the HFF online residency, we began to exchange these personal swatches and collaborative swatches across the world. Participants has sent their swatches to Taiwan, including 16 personal swatches and 7 collaborative swatches. All swatches are assambled in Taiwan and have shipped back to the hands of all participants.

In the case of a pandemic, the swatch book provides a possible form to exchange for online event. The personal swatch expresses each participant's art practice. The collective swatches are more time-consuming, and some are accomplished after several international shippings.

Many thanks to all participants once again.

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